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What is the Rule Of Law in Archiarchy? What are the Rules Of Engagement in the Archan Context and in Archan Gameworlds?
The Theory Of Archan Law
The Rule Of Law of modern culture is exterminating life on Earth at the fastest possible rate.
Anyone following the Rule Of Law of modern culture is criminally insane.
Anyone enforcing the Rule Of Law of modern culture has already forfeited their life.
Archiarchy implements an entirely different Rule Of Law, the Law of Radical Responsibility centered on Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processess.
Anything not Regenerative is illegal in Archiarchy, which adopts a Bill Of Wrongs rather than a Bill Of Rights.
Archiarchy implements Universal Jurisdiction, Citizen Arrests, Emotional Healing Processes, Torus Meeting Technology, etc.
Archan Law is a Specialty in Possibilitator Training.
It is time. There is a new future. This is the way.
(Extracted from HERE.)
The principle of universal jurisdiction is classically defined as, 'a legal principle allowing or requiring a state to bring criminal proceedings in respect of certain crimes irrespective of the location of the crime and the nationality of the perpetrator or the victim.'
'The rationale behind Universal Jurisdiction is based on the notion that 'certain crimes are so harmful to international interests that states are obliged to bring proceedings against the perpetrator, regardless of the location of the crime and the nationality of the perpetrator or the victim.'
Universal jurisdiction allows for the trial of international crimes committed by anybody, anywhere in the world.
There is no such thing as impunity for certain criminal actions.
(revised 13 November 2023 by Clinton Callahan)
Possibilica recognizes that the so-called 'rule-of-law' of the so-called 'modern civilization' (capitalist patriarchal empire) is a failed construct leading directly to planetary suicide and near-term human extinction. Therefore, Possibilica recognizes that anyone continuing to abide by the rule-of-law of modern civilization is criminally insane, and anyone defending the rule-of-law of modern civilization has already forfeited their life.
Therefore, Possibilicans abide by a Bill of Wrongs.
- Forbids modern civilization’s rule of law.
- Forbids ownership of land. (guardianship.mystrikingly.com)
- Forbids taxation.
- Forbids ownership of animal, mineral, or organic resources (so-called 'natural resources').
- Forbids monetizing natural capital.
- Forbids corporate personhood.
- Forbids copyright. (creativecommons.org)
- Forbids patents.
- Forbids hiring employees, or working as an employee. (creativecollaboration.mystrikingly.com)
- Forbids hierarchical power structures. (torustechnology.org)
- Forbids public schools. (quitschool.mystrikingly.com)
- Forbids win-lose games. (3games.mystrikingly.com)
- Forbids externalizing environmental costs or social costs.
- Forbids profit. (postgrowth.org)
- Forbids financial gambling in any form, (gremlin.mystrikingly.com), e.g. health insurance. (artabana.de)
- Forbids renting money (interest). (archiarchaleconomics.mystrikingly.com)
- Forbids paid lobbyists.
- Forbids paid politicians.
- Forbids absentee ownership (stockholders, landlords, ownership of multiple homes or properties).
- Forbids brands. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Logo)
- Forbids franchises.
- Forbids toxic wastes and byproducts.
- Forbids weapons of mass destruction.
- Forbids armed or armored vehicles (land, sea, air, or space).
- Forbids any weapon with an effective range over one kilometer.
- Forbids war. (Instead of war crimes being illegal, war is illegal.)
- Forbids disposables.
- Forbids beliefs. (thoughtware.mystrikingly.com)
- And forbids lawyers.
The Bill Of Wrongs Of The Nanonation Of Possibilica does not pretend to abide by natural law, because natural law allows parasites, gangsters, vampires, zombies, ghouls, blackmail, corruption, manipulation, revenge, power over, cancers, disease viruses, survival-of-the-fittest concepts, psychopaths, and acts of God. And, if you have ever seen hungry frigate birds snatch up and swallow freshly-hatched baby sea turtles scuttling frantically and defenselessly towards the ocean waves, you know that nature also allows terrorists.
The Bill Of Wrongs thrives in Possibilica through the guardianship (kaitiaki) of the 4 Archetypal Lineages and their radically responsible choices.
Universal jurisdiction is a legal principle that allows states or international organizations to claim criminal jurisdiction over an accused person regardless of where the alleged crime was committed, and regardless of the accused's nationality, country of residence, or any other relation to the prosecuting entity. Crimes prosecuted under universal jurisdiction are considered crimes against all, too serious to tolerate jurisdictional arbitrage. The concept of universal jurisdiction is therefore closely linked to the idea that some international norms are erga omnes, or owed to the entire world community, as well as to the concept of jus cogens – that certain international law obligations are binding on all states. (Wikipedia)
1. Universal Jurisdiction agencies for war crimes, economic crimes, andcorporate ecological crimes, putting real people into real prisons around the world, e.g. Icelandic bankers here and here.
a. Center for Justice andAccountability https://cja.org/who-we-are/
b. International JusticeResource Center https://ijrcenter.org/cases-before-national-courts/domestic-exercise-of-universal-jurisdiction/
c. New Zealand’s International Crimesand International Criminal Court Act 2000 defines war crimes, crimes againsthumanity, and genocide in accordance with the Geneva Conventions and the Rome Statute, and its section 8(1)(c) provides thatindividuals may be prosecuted in New Zealand for these crimes regardless of “(i) the nationality or citizenship of the person accused; or (ii) whether or
not any act forming part of the offence occurred in New Zealand; or (iii) whether or not the person accused was in New Zealand at the time that the act constituting the offence occurred or at the time a decision was made to charge the person with an offence.”d. Canadais another example of a State that provides domestic exercise of Universal Jurisdiction, in its Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act of 2000. For genocide,crimes against humanity, or war crimes as defined in the Act, section 9(1) provides that proceedings may commence in any territorial division in Canada for those offenses “alleged to have been committed outside Canada for which a person may be prosecuted under this Act […], whether or not the person is in Canada.”
e. https://corteidh.or.cr/tablas/R06755-2.pdf
f. International CriminalCourt https://www.icc-cpi.int/
Information from: https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/wyntk.html
Whenever possible, you should report wrongdoing to the police instead of taking action on your own. Police officers are equipped with the proper intervention tools and trained to deal with incidents which may escalate to become violent.
Making a citizen's arrest without carefully considering the risk factors may have serious unintended consequences for you and others involved. In most cases, an arrest consists of either actually seizing or touching a person's body in an effort to detain them.
- Before deciding whether to make a citizen's arrest, you should be aware of the Citizen's Arrest Laws and consider the following:
- Is it feasible for a peace officer to intervene? If so, report the crime to the police instead of taking action on your own.
- Your personal safety and that of others could be compromised by attempting an arrest. Relevant considerations would include whether the suspect is alone and whether they possess a weapon.
- Will you be able to turn over the suspect to the police without delay once an arrest is made?
- Do you have a reasonable belief regarding the suspect's criminal conduct?
- If you do decide to make a citizen's arrest, you should:
- Tell the suspect plainly that you are making a citizen's arrest and that you are holding him or her until police arrive.
- Call the police.
- Ask explicitly for his or her cooperation until police arrive.
- Avoid using force, if at all possible, and use it to the minimum possible otherwise.
- Do not question or search the suspect or his or her possessions. Your purpose is only to temporarily detain him or her until police arrive.
- When police arrive, state the plain facts of what happened.
In most cases, you must find a person either in the act of committing a crime, or escaping from and freshly pursued by persons who have lawful authority to arrest that person, in order to lawfully make a citizen's arrest. In particular, if you are arresting a person for an indictable offence, which is the most serious type of offence and includes violent offences, you can only make the arrest at the time you witness the person committing the offence. It is against the law to arrest a person after any lapse in time for having committed an indictable offence, unless it is relation to your property.
- In special circumstances of any type of criminal offence that is committed on or in relation to your property, you may either:
- arrest a person you find in the act of committing a crime; or
- arrest a person within a reasonable period of time after having found that person committing a crime.
To be eligible to make a citizen's arrest for a crime on or in relation to property, you must be one of the following:
- the owner of the property;
- in lawful possession of the property; or
- have been authorized by the owner or the person in lawful possession of the property.
The law allows you to use as much force as is necessary for the purpose of making a citizen's arrest, as long as you are acting on reasonable grounds. However, any force you use must be tailored to the circumstances, and you are criminally responsible for any excess force you use. In addition to the potential for a criminal prosecution, you may also face a civil lawsuit in relation to your conduct and any injury you cause.
The law requires that when making a citizen's arrest, the arrested individual must be delivered to a police officer without delay.
If you make a citizen's arrest and do not call the police as soon as possible, the arrest might be ruled illegal, and you could face civil or criminal consequences.
CORRECTLY IDENTIFYING A SUSPECTIn the special circumstances of making an arrest "within a reasonable time after" observing an offence (as opposed to while the offence is in progress), you are strongly urged to exercise additional care in confirming the identity of the suspect. It is always extremely important to correctly identify a suspect and their criminal involvement. If you make a citizen's arrest at the very time a person is found committing a crime, the correct identification of the suspect will not likely be called into question.
However, if you make an arrest "within a reasonable time after" observing the offence, the accuracy of the identification of the suspect may be called into question. You need to be conscious of the fact that situational factors such as the presence of a weapon, the number of individuals involved, environmental factors and heightened stress levels can negatively affect
your recollection of a past incident and your ability to correctly identify a person you have previously seen committing an offence. Even if you genuinely believe that you have correctly identified the suspect after the crime was observed, the risk of mistaken identity is real, and must not be minimized.If the person you attempt to arrest is the wrong person, the situation is potentially very dangerous. The person being arrested will not understand why they are being detained and may not submit to the arrest. In these circumstances, there is a real risk that if you arrest the wrong person, you could provoke a violent confrontation, and risk injury or death.
A citizen's arrest is a very serious and potentially dangerous undertaking. Unlike a police officer, private citizens are neither tasked with the duty to preserve and maintain public peace, nor properly trained to apprehend suspected criminals. Exercise extreme caution when attempting to make a citizen's arrest.
The Context Of Archan Law
The Space determines what is Possible.
The Context determines the Space.
The Spaceholder determines the Context.
Archiarchy is contexted in Radical Responsibility and centered on Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes.
Anything that is not Regenerative is illegal.
Archan Law is a Specialty Path in Possibilitator Training
Is this for you?
Is Archan Law your Archetypal Lineage?
Methods And Applications Of Archan Law
The example of Archan Law in action which we would like to share is IAPF (International Anti Poaching Foundation) as created by Damian Mander from Australia.
Founded in 2009, the IAPF has grown from an industry service provider, to a leader in on-the-ground solutions for nature conservation. Through two key approaches, the IAPF implements programs in strategically positioned areas which promote increased habitat protection and restoration, contributing to national and ecoregion-scale conservation strategies, and the empowerment of indigenous peoples to protect their sovereign lands.
1: The operational model is Akashinga, a community-driven conservation program, empowering disadvantaged women to restore and manage networks of wilderness areas in Africa.
2: Training is conducted under the LEAD Ranger initiative, a program of excellence, building field based indigenous leadership and instructional capacity across the global conservation industry.
In delivering our programs, we incorporate 16 of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) approved by the 193 member states. These are a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.
Wildlife crime is sweeping the planet. The illegal trafficking of wildlife is now one of the world’s largest criminal industries, with repeated links to terrorism networks.
High Target Species such as elephant and rhino are being hunted to extinction. These animals are the most difficult to protect, as poachers go to the most extreme lengths to kill them. If we can safeguard these animals, then entire ecosystems are protected.
Damien Mander
Damien is an Iraq war veteran who served as a Naval clearance diver and special operations sniper for the Australian Defense Force. Following three years on the frontlines of the Iraq war he departed in 2008 with no new direction in life. A trip to Africa left him face-to-face with the horrors that the world's wildlife is dealing with. Liquidating all personal assets acquired from 12 tours of duty, he founded the International Anti-Poaching Foundation (IAPF) as the last line of defense for nature. Over the past decade the IAPF has scaled to train and support rangers which now help protect over 20 million acres of African wilderness. The organisation focuses on ranger training, operations and integrating modern technology into conservation.
In 2017 Damien founded ‘Akashinga – Nature Protected by Women’, an IAPF program that has already grown to over 170 employees, becoming the only group of nature reserves in the world to be protected by women. Their goal is to employ 1000 women by 2025, protecting a network of 20 nature reserves, all managed by the IAPF.
Experiments Applying Archan Law
No one can experiment for you.
More interestingly, no one can stop you from experimenting.
Experimenting builds Matrix for collecting more consciousness.
With more consciousness, you see more options to choose from, including the frightening ones.
What you decide, however, is still up to you.
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NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayeronline-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate yourpoint of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what youthink about. Your thoughtware is what you useto think with. When you change your thoughtware,you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring uptransformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade yourthoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points wewill change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading thiswhole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code ARCHALAW.00 to log yourMatrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!